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The only things we get to leave behind, are the words we choose to say.

Welcome to my website. I'm a freelance writer and author. Well-versed in many genres, my work includes non-fiction, screenplays, stage plays, and journalism. I'm a member of the Dramatists Guild and have years of practical experience in the arts. From film and theatre to military service, my varied background has taken me around the world and keeps me writing.


Describing a person by what they 'do' seems to suffice for understanding one another these days. But it encourages singularity and makes us distrustful of those who aren't leaders in their field. It suggests they 'quit' or weren't good enough to make the cut. Not believing someone can excel at more than one thing is the first step in limiting ourselves. Of course we want neurosurgeons to eat, breathe, and sleep neurosurgery, but Einstein wouldn't have continued playing the violin after EM equaled C2 if it wasn't necessary for him to be a better physicist. I've struggled with my own form of identity crisis. Who would believe a Naval Officer could be as good of a writer as a director could be a Naval Officer? But that is who I am. ​


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BA in Theatre Arts - Directing  -  University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
MA in Creative Writing - Nonfiction  -  Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA
MA in Japanese Studies  -  Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
American Conservatory Theatre  San Francisco, CA
Writers Bootcamp  - Santa Monica, CA
Veteran's Writing Project (23-24)  - Writer's Guild Foundation
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